• What, How, and Why of Starting a Photobook Business

      Photobooks are one of the most popular personalized artifacts that people worldwide widely use to treasure their lifetime memories. Because of its colossal craze, photobook printing businesses are immensely growing in numbers. ...More>>

    • When You Own a High Speed Fully Automatic Hardcover Book Production Line

      It's not a science fiction movie, what you see is a fully intelligent and automatic hardcover bookbinding workshop, which already have been applicated by more and more print companies.There is no doubt that hardcover bookbinding is the most complex of all bookbinding fields, and the Automatic Hardcover Book Production Line can make a thread sewn book block into a perfect hardcover book with high efficiency and fully automatic, its function is so great that it is no less significant than the spac...More>>

    • What is the Layflat Book

      Layflat binding is a revolutionary technique which allows print to flow seamlessly across a double page spread. Books lay completely flat once opened, which allows the text and images to flow across pages without being interrupted by the joint of printed sections....More>>

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